Looking into a Black Hole

Like most people around the world, I’m currently sitting at home, waiting for this whole pandemic to pass. After countless hours of Netflix and YouTube, I stumbled across an absolutely beautiful video about black holes. If you have 7 and a half minutes to spare, you should definitely watch it. If you don’t, watch it anyway! So, there you go…
(By the way, it’s a VR-/360°-video, so don’t hesitate to look around, during the video)

The Ultimate Surfacing Tutorial

Alright, that title might be a bit misleading, but isn’t everyone exaggerating on the internet? Anyway, Surface modeling on any CAD can be quite tricky. Especially the so-called “Class-A”-modeling seems to be witchcraft to the average CAD user. Luckily there are tutorials online for everyone and everything.
As I am a bloody amateur myself, I might be the wrong guy for such a topic. But why should I make something that already exists anyway?
I found an absolutely amazing introduction to surface modeling on the internet. It’s made by the guys from Autodesk Alias. Alias is the ultimate surfacing software right now. So, I assume the Alias-people are more than capable to make such an “Ultimate Surfacing Tutorial”.
There might be a few parts which are for Alias only, but 90% of their tutorials and tips work with basically any CAD.

Anyway, here’s the link: